Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Congratulations, You have Graduated!

You have Graduated through the AMBITION series. You now stand fully prepared to move forward onto the next stepping stone of YourOneGR8Life.

Before we jump ahead, here are a few Ambitious highlights that we carry forward:

Returning to Your Map of Obtainment, we continue on, together we venture to understanding the nature, and added values, of UNCOVER; The Utilization of Internal Virtues to Evince Physical Equivalence.

In #CreatingPhenomenal, the goal is to Obtain, to hold, the Dream of your Highest Human Potential. It is Your OneGR8Life; and you are continuously invited to Dream it, Create it. Live it... To transform the Dream of your Ambition of Purpose, into it’s physical equivalence. We have already established that, the Creation of physical equivalence, is a transformation which occurs with self-directed flow, from within-outward.

Your Ambition of Purpose carries you with Destination and Direction. In your spirit to Obtain, you are self-directed to resolve,
  • How Can I Serve?
  • How Good Can I Stand It?

UNCOVER continues your transformation, from within-outward, to resolve,
  • WHO Am I? - Every Being which Arrives to Earth is on it's way to Somewhere. So, ask yourself... In order to deliver my Ambition of Purpose, WHO do I need to become. To Dream, Create and Live More, You will be challenged to become more. Let's explore, WHO you are being called to become.

This is the natural internal progression of #CreatingPhenomenal; resolve WHO, before the progression of What and How.

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Please, allow me to extend my Thanks for your continued readership. In the exchange of Activity-for-Time, I AM constantly challenged, to forgo this blog sharing experience. It is your continued enthusiasm to consume the words that inspire me to continue. I AM thankful each and everyday that we have an opportunity to help in the growth of each other; in the delivery of our OneGR8Life. Blessings of Continued Success in ALL that you do!  ~Phil

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OneGR8Life - Delivered Weekly; Tuesday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition - Specifically, Yours!

Authored By: Phillip A. Lopez
#CreatingPhenomenal ~ Learn How To Dream, Create, Live Your One Great Life!

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