Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Single Step to Unchain Your Greatness.


What is all this noise about 'expectancy', 
and 'receiving', and 'abundance', and 'ALL Good Things'?

Certainly, you are not talking about my life...

Quite truthfully, I AM, talking about your life. Specifically, about your OneGR8Life!

Here, go back to your Map of Obtainment. See up-top where it reads AMBITION.  That's where your OneGR8Life starts!

Why start Here?  The answer is simplicity. You see, regardless, of your purpose, you will deliver it through AMBITION - Not Anxiety, or Luck, or the Breaks! Imagine for one minute that you have No limitations on what you can Be, Do, or Give... only Ambition can take you there!!

“Every Thought is Being Received

for the Delivery of Your Highest Good.”

~Phillip A. Lopez

Nurture Your AMBITION...

With every thought being received for the delivery of my Highest Good; which thought then, is the single step to unchain my Greatness?

'My past thoughts Have Created My Current Reality.
Thus, I must Nurture My Ambition of Thoughts
to Unchain My Future Greatness.'

Think about this... Do you, for one second, think that the Creator has placed you on earth, in this exact place in time and you are not expected to deliver your Highest Potential; to Obtain your Desire of Purpose? Your Purpose, to Be, Do, or Give, is embedded into your life code. Just as the Creator has coded an acorn to grow into a mighty Oak, and expects that every bud will flower into its greatest radiant beauty; so too are you to Deliver your Highest Human Potential.

Only in the Ambition of Expectancy do you Nurture your Dreams, to Create and to Live. Expectancy opens your greatest most radiant self.

Something IS expected of you in exchange for the space that you are consuming. Nobody can ride the planet for free! At some point we all pay the exchange rate for every breathe we have taken. You have already received an Abundance of ALL good things. Now, you must look to deliver in your Greatest Abundance, you must deliver ALL good things!

Intention Rules the Universe...

So Ask Yourself One More Time:
How Good Can I Stand It?

There should be little doubt in our minds surrounding the truth of this statement; Intention Does Rule the Universe. As it is the Creator's intention that all Human life obtain their Highest Potential; The Creator has placed every living thing, at the footsteps of mankind. As reinforcement, in the spirit of accomplishment, The Creator then embellishes mankind with the greatest of all gifts... the Freedom of Choice.

That Humankind inherit the responsibility of free choice, represents unchallengeable support and confidence, in the Creator's desire that we are to achieve our Highest Potential, to Unchain our Greatness. This extends to the responsibility to uncover and deliver Your unique Purpose. You must understand that it is Your earthly duty to Choose ‘anything’ which You Desire to Be, Do or Give.

I know, it seems unbelievable...  Anything?

ANYTHING!!!   -  Pretty Remarkable!!  Don’t You Agree?
Don't you just LOVE it???   ---   Anything…
-   Your Choice...   -   Think BIG!!

Support of this fundamental comes through the Natural Laws of Physics and Meta-Physics... Newton's Laws of Action/Reaction, Cause and Effect, Motion and Equilibrium; Einstein's Relativity, even the natural Law of Attraction.

Now it becomes clearer - Only you have complete control of every thought that you choose to Keep or Discard.  You have to understand and expect this as fact. From here you realize that, It is your OneGR8Life! And, Only You are responsible to Dream it, Create it, Live it. I can only serve to offer a direction, to inspire you or to motivate you. But, I am not responsible to Dream it, Create it, or to Live it for you... That is your job, That is ALL on you!

Unchain Your Greatness!

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OneGR8Life - Posted Weekly: Tuesday.
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition, Specifically, Yours!

Questions / Comments: Hit us up here.

Authored By; Phillip A. Lopez
#CreatingPhenomenal -How to Dream, Create, Live your One Great Life.

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