Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Achieve: Resilient ME!


The caring embrace of Universal concern should not scare you in any way. The goal of Resilience... To Rejuvenate your Mind, Body and Spirit - Simultaneously. To bring to you, currently undiscovered levels of Confidence and Bliss. To Initiate Resilience, Place Achievement over Fear… Place Courageous Action over the mind chatter of Self-Limitations. Here! in this moment is your Destiny transformed. Here, in this moment is your gift, your opportunity to reaffirm your Ambition of Desire. In Resilience you are not alone; Carry with you this centering thought - "We Can, We Will!" - Now, follow that thought with inspired action.

The Gift of Resilience…
In Resilience, everyday brings you a chance to center yourself and start-over. The gift of Resilience; Self rejuvenation from within your moment of crisis, your meltdown moments. To start your personal rejuvenation cycle, You need only Stop, and center yourself, falling back to your Map of Obtainment, picking a suitable start over point; clearing the way for truth and transformation.

In Your OneGR8Life, sometimes these meltdowns are your most painful moments. Though it’s hard to imagine, when you've lost what you thought was that soul-mate relationship, when the professional career that defined you for 25 years is gone, when the people you counted on disappear, suddenly turning their backs on you, when you wake to find yourself in the midst of recovery from life altering illness, that in these moments of disarray, You may actually be taking a step forward on the path to your truest desires and ultimately to your destiny.

Resilience carries your shifts in mental attitude. If you perceive setback as, just life trying to move you in another direction, then, even devastation is there to bring you closer to being WHO you truly are. In the midst of your greatest turmoil, when you remind yourself to get still, to let go, you are able to listen for the treasure in the experience. In this moment of stillness, You will always be guided to your deepest truth and to your next right step. In this tiny moment of shifting your mental attitude you find Universal Grace, and the abundant riches available to you.

When you get quite, become more observant, more contemplative, and less reactive, you can then find the gifts that are buried in every problem. The gift comes to you as you trust in the generosity of the Ever-Present, releasing your fears, releasing your resistance, your anxieties. Clear of physical and emotional anxiety, you can connect with the truth that every challenge, really, opens a new door bring you closer to your destiny. With the sudden clarity of resilience comes reassurance that the Universe does posses for you a singular intention; to bring you to It's level of Consciousness and Love.

Diminished Purpose...
When everything is flowing according to your idea of how things should be, it is easy to feel that you are living in harmony with the rhythms of the Universe. As you embrace resilience, you find Gratitude, Calm, and the new Dreams the Universe is generously waiting to unveil. What then occurs when there is a clear gap between, what you want and how your life is unfolding? Here you are more likely to feel stress and doubt. If, you settle here long enough, judgement distorts, suddenly the right situation feels wrong. Your value of fairness diminishes, perceived unfairness abounds to alter intention and self pity wallows to unreasonable proportions. Stay here long enough and at some point, Ambition diminishes, Divine Purpose fades, and the euphoria of Achievement is replaced with discontent. With the loss of Divine Purpose comes judgement of yourself for what you perceive as your shortcomings or failures. When your mind is full of resistance and painful thoughts it is difficult to access our innate state of wisdom, clarity and creativity. Recognize that Your life was not designed to live in this state of being, nor should you look to find welcome here!

Expanded Awareness...
In your inner quite of prayer or meditation, your mind settles and you are able to witness your thoughts and limiting stories as a detached observer. As your awareness expands, you begin again, you see the hidden gifts and possibilities in what ever challenge you are facing.  With the perception of resilience, you begin to realize that what appeared to be a devastating setback, has actually cleared the way for your rebirth and transformation.

In closing, resilience invites you to recognize this point: Without the clearing force of setback, your life would be overcrowded by competing desires. Leaving you with insufficient, focused, energy to grow. I am confident that within your own life you can probably think of examples of events that felt like a dream going up in flames. But, which ended up being the start of something more wonderful than you could ever have imagined. This is the directing power of Resilience.

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Next-Up…  Creative ME!  
How to Create the perspective from your inner Spirit, where there is no such thing as success or failure. That place where there is only the present moment, which is filled with infinite possibilities. In advance I can tell you this, you will be amazed at the simplicity of creating this space in your OneGR8Life... Don't miss this. And no, I have not forgotten that I still owe you one final tool, the OneGR8Life place mat. Hang-in there, it will arrive soon enough.

Mindful Moments (Take away Thoughts…)
The Universe has set the intention to bring me to It’s level of Consciousness and Love. To do so, I gently acknowledge to the Ever-Present and release to spirit, all thoughts and feelings about my perceived challenges and adversities that Do Not serve me. The Universe then fills this newly cleared space with infinite Love, light and joy. As I step into this acceptance of infinite Love, I find my resilience; I open to prosperity and my infinite potential. Hidden in this moment, I find that, A Gift Resides in Every Moment!
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OneGR8Life - Delivered Weekly… Tuesdays
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition - Specifically, Yours!

Your OneGR8Life starts here…

Your Map to Obtainment       -       (Link; To Learn More)

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