Tuesday, July 30, 2013

OBTAINMENT: An Inside Job...

I have a Niece who heads off for a 5 month Disney internship. We had a chance to share some time together... Her Desire of Purpose, of course, to learn and contribute as much as possible, while also balancing the excitement of being on her own. The conversation went something like this...

What we have here is a failure to communicate!
As Obtainment is an inside job, we must clearly communicate two things:

1) As Humans we can improve our sense of accomplishment when we resist the temptation to confuse Success with Obtainment. A great way to separate the two is to consider Success as the pathway traveled to Obtain your life's purpose, to secure your happiness. In his model, we are then free to view Achievement as nothing more than the stepping stones to Obtainment. Achievement then becomes a daily self-management exercise. From this point we can clearly see that good self-management assures the successful accumulation of daily achievements. And, Daily achievement then insures accomplishment. Accomplishment is the vehicle of choice us we travel along the pathway towards Obtainment.
2) Obtainment can be accelerated when our internal traits are in sync with our Desire of Purpose (to Be, Do or Have). For example, if your Desire of Purpose is to Be a world-class expert on digital marketing, but you do not naturally possess, or are actively working toward attaining, the internal trait of caring for people - your bus will initially accelerate but, it is easy to conclude that through time that bus stalls. The inability or lack of desire to sync internal traits and external pursuits is a common pitfall that we all have faced!

As the achiever in us says, Charge!!!  The conscious mind immediately asks, well, WHO is going to do all this work,  or worse, the conscious says... There is no way I can get from where I am today, to where I want to be in one week, one month, one year, one lifetime. When this occurs, and for 80% of all humans this happens, we abandon our vision, lose focus of our Desire of Purpose, allow for complacency to take root, and eventually abandon our commitment to deliver our divinely assigned purpose. Once we fall back into this mode, we again resort back to aimless activities which hold no value or limited value at best. To correct or recover from this mode - REBOOT is required; that's right the loading of a new operating platform with upgraded and optimized instructions.

“One’s destination is never a place, 
but a new way of seeing things.” 
~Henry Miller

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I have been working on a very special exercise which has been designed specifically to cement today's post into the everyday things that you do. I am especially pleased to announce this to you blog readers as an immediate exclusive. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I am working on a book and this exercise will be part of that publication; which looks to be taking shape with a Fall 2014 release. This means that you get to see the exercise a couple of months prior to its general publication. 

Now, I think I did a pretty good job on our Map to Obtainment. So you can pretty will guess that our SYNC exercise will deliver very high up there on the HOW?!? scale. I would encourage you to share this news within your network of family, friends, and connects; digital and face-to-face

Please, DO NOT MISS the Tuesday, August 6th, OneGR8Life post. I promise this post will REBOOT your thought process and revolutionize everything that you choose to do!

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OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday and Thursday
Join us... OneGR8Life.com - Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition.

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